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Region:    Middle East

Al Medina Al Munawarah Tourism Planning Programme Saudi Arabia

Supreme Commission for Tourism - Project Dates:
May 2006 - February 2007

Description of Project:
The Al Medina Al Musawarah Tourism Development Strategy is a comprehensive tourism plan that examines and makes recommendations on policy, physical development structure of a number of Tourism Development Areas (TDA’s) and several Tourism Sites (TS’s), tourism product improvements of all types, marketing strategy and promotion techniques, human resource development, economic, environmental and socio-cultural considerations, institutional structures for tourism and a five-year action plan.

Services Provided:
Poseidon provided a coastal planner to assist the team ensure that developments were in keeping with this part of the Red Sea coast. In particular the inputs were aimed at ensuring that initiatives were sustainable, coherent with the KSA's CZM Plan for the Red Sea and had no unacceptable cumulative environmental impact.