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Region:    Global, Europe, Africa & Western Indian Ocean

Inventory and critical analysis of initiatives and actions aimed to improve scientific advice and research in stock evaluation in the waters of third countries Global

DG Fisheries (European Commission) - Project Dates:
August 2005 - March 2006

Description of Project:
Scientific and Technical Advice in Fisheries (STA) is essential in the formulation of sustainable fisheries policies and fisheries management that must rely on clear, objective and complete scientific recommendations.

The regional fisheries organizations (RFOs) where the European Community is a contracting party establish management measures for the resources under their competence based on the advice provided by their respective scientific committees. Contracting parties are bound to contribute to this advisory process by providing scientific information and data on their fishing activity.

In addition, according to the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), the Community is committed to apply the same conservation standards when exploiting third countries fisheries resources as it does for the internal ones. In this context the Community encourages and contributes to fund the formulation of scientific and technical advice required to establish fisheries management policies in non-Community waters. Similar actions, also foreseen in the EU’s political and developmental policies, foreign relations, and in research and education represent an important part of the committed costs in the international plan for the formulation of the STA.

Services Provided:
A Poseidon-led team prepared a full inventory of fisheries and ecosystem research being undertaken in the worlds fisheries where EU fleets are active. From this, a strategy and action plan was developed to improve the contribution of EU research initiatives to regional management of fish stocks, with a particular emphasis on working with the Regional Fisheries Organisations (RFOs).