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Region:    Africa & Western Indian Ocean

Technical Assistance & Capacity Building towards implementation of the EU Regulation (no. 1005/2008) on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing Sierra Leone

EuropeAid - Project Dates:
December 2009 - February 2010

Description of Project:
The objective of this project was to provide Technical Assistance (TA) and capacity building of the Sierra Leone Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) and other relevant sectors institutions and stakeholders towards the implementation of the IUU Regulation no. 1005/2008.

Services Provided:
Poseidon completed the following tasks

1. Conducted workshops and training to help the Sierra Leone Government to fully comply with the EU council regulation on IUU fishing
2. Developed in close cooperation with the staff of the MFMR the needed administrative and technical procedures to fully address the requirements of the IUU council regulation
3. identified and formulated project proposals for funding under the Fish 2 programme "Strengthening Fisheries Management in ACP Countries"