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Region:    Europe

Contribution to the Preparation of a Plan of Action for Seabirds 

MRAG and DG MARE Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (European Commission) - Project Dates:
August 2010 - January 2011

Description of Project:
The objective of this study was to assess existing mitigation measures and their effectiveness in key geographical incidental seabird mortality hotspots, and by working closely with the fishing industry, make recommendations for best practice mitigation measures for the fleets operating in those areas.
The study also provided an assessment of the associated costs and potential benefits of these recommended mitigation measures and the socio-economic and environmental impacts of their use in the fisheries concerned, to enable informed decision making.

Services Provided:
Poseidon staff worked as part of the study team to develop questionnaires and framwwork for anaylsis. They also undertook interviews and at sea observations in Baltic Sea and North Sea gill net fisheries (Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark).