Monitoring and evaluation

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Region:    Africa & Western Indian Ocean

Study on promoting commercial aquaculture in Uganda Uganda

DG EuropeAid Cooperation - Project Dates:
December 2010 - August 2011

Description of Project:
To objective of this project was to assist Uganda to identify opportunities, key constraints and issues related to the development of commercial aquaculture, to propose concrete actions to overcome these constraints and promote private sector investment in aquaculture, to identify priority areas for investment and to develop bankable project proposals with the aim of meeting the growing demand for Ugandan fish, on the local, regional and international markets.

Services Provided:

The assignment took place in 2 missions.
The specific objectives of the first mission were to:
a.To assess the status of commercial aquaculture in Uganda, the policy and regulatory framework, the institutions in charge and existing interventions and investments in commercial aquaculture.
b.To identify opportunities, key constraints, weaknesses and threats hindering the development of commercial aquaculture.
c.To advise on strategies and to propose a range of actions to promote investments in aquaculture and the development of the aquaculture value chain.

The specific objectives of the second mission were to:

a.To identify bankable projects in relation with the agreed priority areas for action.
b.To make appropriate cost-proposals for funding for the identified bankable projects,
c.To advise on possible strategies and modalities for the identified bankable projects ' support in the short (5 years), medium (10 years) and Long term (15 years), making a clear distinction between the respective roles of the private sector, the Ugandan State and Development Partners.
d.To identify areas for further studies.