Monitoring and evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation is essential to assist with project and programme implementation, to assess outcomes and impacts, and to generate lessons to inform future interventions.

Poseidon has extensive experience in designing projects, providing periodic monitoring/supervision, for example through supervision missions and Mid-Term Reviews, while programme and project performance is evaluated on completion of interventions. Such design, monitoring and evaluation services are typically conducted against a set of criteria (efficiency/value for money, effectiveness, coherence, relevance, and sustainability).

Evaluation methodologies may include counter-factual assessments or use a ‘Theory of Change’ (or intervention logic) approach. Specifying evaluation frameworks allows for the triangulation of findings, and for judgement criteria, indicators (quantitative and qualitative), relevant methods, and sources of information, to be used to answer evaluation questions. Evaluation methods to obtain primary information may include field visits to make direct observations and/or conduct face to face interviews or focus group discussions, and remote consultations using telephone and email, with related tools including the use of questionnaires, interview guides and case studies. Secondary sources of data and reports also typically provide valuable information for our evaluations.

Topic: Monitoring and evaluation

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