Monitoring and evaluation
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Region: Global, Europe
Retrospective and prospective evaluations on the international dimension of the CFP European Union
DG MARE Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (European Commission) - Project Dates:
January 2012 - December 2013
Description of Project:
This contract was a framework contract to provide ex ante and ex post evaluation services to the Commission, with a specific focus on Fisheries Partnership Agreements. Poseidon led, or made contributions to, evaluations of existing or potential agreements with: Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Seychelles, Comores, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Cook Islands, Tuvalu, and Senegal.
Services Provided:
Poseidon completed inputs to specific projects under the framework on: 1. an ex post and ex ante evaluation of the FPA between the EU and Kiribati (project lead) 2. an ex-post and ex-ante evaluation of the FPA between the EU and Solomon Islands (peer review) 3. a regional report of tuna activities in Western Central Pacific (project lead) 4. ex ante evaluation of a possible FPA between the EU and Cook Islands (project lead) 5. ex ante evaluation of a possible FPA between the EU and Tuvalu (project lead) 6. ex ante evalaution of possible FPAs between the EU and Sierra Leone and Liberia (peer review)