Monitoring and evaluation
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Aquaculture assessment as part of Slovenia's EMFF Operational Programme Ex-Ante Evaluation Slovenia
Ministry of Agriculture & Environment (Slovenia) - Project Dates:
December 2013 - September 2014
Description of Project:
The Ministry of Agriculture and Environment of Republic of Slovenia commissioned Oikos to conduct an Ex-ante Evaluation of the Operational Programme for Fisheries in Republic of Slovenia 2014-2020” (“Predhodno vrednotenje Opertivnega programa za razvoj Ribištva v Republiki Sloveniji 2014–2020”). Poseidon provided an aquaculture specialist to assist withi this process.
Services Provided:
The Poseidon specialist conducted the following tasks:
- reviewed the draft Operational Programme and commented on the needs analysis, strategy and selection of measures related to the agriculture,
- discussed the intervention logic, approach to implementation of Operational Programme and measures related to the agriculture,
- commented on the indicators and financial plan,
- discussed with the client the implementation of measures related to the agriculture,
- assisted at providing suggestions for improvement of the Operational Programme.