Monitoring and evaluation

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Region:    Asia, Australasia & the Pacific

Final Evaluation of the “Strategies for Trawl Fisheries Bycatch Management” project (REBYC II CTI Project) Asia

Food and Agricultural Organisation FAO - Project Dates:
January 2015 - June 2015

Description of Project:
The project “Strategies for trawl fisheries bycatch management” (REBYC-II CTI, GCP/RAS/269/GFF) was conceived as a follow-up to an earlier FAO/UNEP/GEF project, “Reduction of environmental impact from tropical shrimp trawling through the introduction of bycatch reduction technologies and change of management”, or REBYC, implemented between 2002 and 2008. The REBYC-II CTI project began on 31 October 2011, and ended on 31 December 2015. The project, funded by the GEF, covered five countries in Southeast Asia, namely: Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam, the first three of which were members of the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI). The GEF allocation was USD 3 000 000 and the total co-financing approximately USD 8 million. The project’s Global Environment Objective was to achieve “responsible trawl fisheries that result in sustainable fisheries resources and healthy marine ecosystems in the Coral Triangle and Southeast Asian waters by reduced bycatch, discards and fishing impact on biodiversity and the environment”. Its Development Objective was to establish “effective public and private sector partnerships for improved trawl and bycatch management and practices that support fishery dependent incomes and sustainable livelihoods”.

Services Provided:

Poseidon provided staff that led a final evaluation. The evaluation had the following objectives: Assess the results achieved by the project in its four years of implementation, in particular, the extent to which these contributed to the project’s objectives. In doing so, the evaluation will assess the progress made in the implementation of the Mid-term evaluation recommendations; Assess the sustainability of the project intervention and potential impact, if any, in the long-run;  Identify lessons learned from project design, implementation and management. The evaluation also provided recommendations for follow-up actions to the project team and partners, and where applicable to government counterparts in the five countries.