Monitoring and evaluation

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Final evaluation of INDESO (Infrastructure Development Of Space Oceanography) Project Indonesia

Agence Française de Développement - Project Dates:

Description of Project:
The overall objective of the project INDESO was to establish sustainable fisheries in Indonesia based on an efficient coastal environmental management and to fight against illegal fishing, through the analysis of spatial oceanographic data. The project had five components: (a) provision of infrastructure  (satellite receiver), equipment (including IT), acquisition and formatting of the models, satellite data acquisition, (b) development of specific downstream applications (development, simulation, calibration, validation of 7 applications), (c) human resources and project management, (d) support to the Indonesian government (research support) and (e) buildings construction.

Services Provided:

Poseidon provided a team of 3 experts to complete a final project evaluation. A theory of change was developed, evaluation questions (and their judgement criteria and indicators) were specified, research methods and tools defined, and consultations completed. The collection and review of primary and secondary data allowed for a high quality evaluation against DAC evaluation criteria (sustainability, effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence, and acceptability). The evaluation findings were validated by stakeholders during workshops facilitated by the experts.