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Region: Global
OECD High Seas Task Force Cost Benefit Analysis of Vessel Database OECD countries
OECD - Project Dates:
October 2005 - November 2005
Description of Project:
The High Seas Task Force proposed the establishment of a high seas vessel information system (HSVIS), to be an open-access web-based database of all vessels fishing on the high seas. The concept was modelled on a similar concept for merchant vessels call A critical issue for both the High Seas Task Force and Equasis was to determine whether the fishing vessel database should be a separate entity, or could be co-located with Equasis.
Services Provided:
Poseidon completed a a cost-benefit analysis of two options i) with the database as stand alone entity, and ii) with the database integrated in the Equasis system. This involved an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the two options, and quantification of cost implications.