Monitoring and evaluation

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Region:    Africa & Western Indian Ocean

Fisheries Partnership Agreement Evaluation and Policy Preparation Mauritius

DG Fisheries (European Commission) - Project Dates:
September 2005 - March 2006

Description of Project:
The project comprises an evaluation of the fisheries agreement between the EU and Mauritius. The focus of the evaluation is on national governance, fishing industry activity (national partner and EC) and measuring the benefits of the accord to the EC and partners.

The project work in undertaken by a consortium of companies including Oceanic Development (France), Poseidon (UK) and Megapesca (Portugal) The work is undertaken jointly by a consortium including Oceanic Development (France), Megapesca (Portugal) and Poseidon (UK)

Services Provided:
In country impact assessment, cost/benefit analysis, ex-post and ex-ante evaluation of potential Fisheries Partnership Agreements between the European Community and Mauritius. Impacts were assessed in the European Community and on stakeholders in terms of value-added, employment, resource sustainability, and the environment. The team also assisted the development of a fisheries policy, including holding a major stakeholder workshop with representatives from the artisanal fishing groups, local and foreign-owned fishing fleets, processors, aquaculture and Government departments.