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Region:    Global, Africa & Western Indian Ocean, Americas, Australasia & the Pacific

Feasibility Study for a programme on Strengthening Fisheries Management in ACP Countries ACP regions

DG EuropeAid Cooperation - Project Dates:
August 2006 - November 2006

Description of Project:
This feasibility study for ACP Fish II is the second phase of a project entitled “Strengthening of Fisheries and Biodiversity Management in ACP Countries”, known as ACP Fish I. The 1st phase was implemented by the International Centre for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM), ending 2001. The aim of this first phase was: “to build aquatic resource management competency in target ACP countries and facilitate regional collaboration in recognising and resolving key constraints to effective management”.

A Mid Term Review of ACP Fish I acknowledged certain positive outcomes but noted that the project had a limited impact regarding its objective of strengthening fisheries management. It was recognised that a second phase of this project was needed to focus on the broad governance issues in fisheries and on policies, institutions and processes that underpin them.

Services Provided:
Poseidon adopted a three phase approach:

The consultation phase commenced with a briefing and planning week in Brussels. The team then reviewed and analyzed the existing feasibility study, focusing on key issues relating to project outcomes and sustainability. The consultation phase also included a detailed review other all ACP regional on-going and pipeline programmes in fisheries management financed by the EC and other donors.

A Field Mission Phase where the team visited specific countries and regional organisations in relation with the desk study results in West Africa (Cotonou and Senegal), the Pacific (New Caledonia and Fiji) and East/Southern Africa (Uganda and Mozambique).

The final publication phase pulled together the consultants’ own assessment of the feasibility study and stakeholder views gained during the assignments, to provide the following information to the Commission, including (i) the identification of priority areas of intervention, (ii) recommendations on measures to tackle pertinent questions relevant to the success of fisheries policy, (iii) an appropriate framework to implement the programme ACP-FISH II, (iv) an identification Fiche and (v) a feasibility report with a draft financing proposal for the ACP Fish II.