Monitoring and evaluation
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Region: Asia
Mid-term evaluation of Fisheries Sector Programme Support II (FSPS II) Vietnam
DANIDA - Project Dates:
October 2008 - November 2008
Description of Project:
The Danish funded Fisheries Sector Programme Support, Phase 2 (FSPS II), covers the period 2006 – 2010. The four components include:
1) Strengthening of the Fisheries Administration;
2) Strengthening of Capture Fisheries Management;
3) Sustainable Development of Aquaculture; and
(4) Strengthening of Capacities for Post-harvest and Marketing.
A sector review took place from 27 October to 7 November 2008 under the framework of Danida’s Aid Management Guidelines.
Services Provided:
Poseidon provided a fisheries specialist to the three-person team. The review approach included:
Study of progress reports (including work plans and budgets) of the FSPSII and the Inception Report and Appraisal Report;
Review of the Assessment of Sector Programme Support produced by the Embassy in Hanoi.
Review of documents of relevance for Danida’s ongoing assistance to the fisheries sector;
Discussion and consultations with fisheries sector development partners;
Discussion and consultations with key central government stakeholders including TA staff;
Consultations with Danish Embassy.