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Region: Africa & Western Indian Ocean
Aquaculture sector value-chain analysis Egypt
WorldFish Center - Project Dates:
September 2011 - November 2011
Description of Project:
The Egyptian aquaculture sector produces Nile tilapia, African catfish and mullet for the domestic market. The producer sector is generally described as extensive, semi-intensive and intensive. WorldFish Centre were interested in employment in the sector and the potential for employment gains with sector growth, with particular focus on employment of women and youth.
Services Provided:
A Poseidon expert provided training in value-chain analysis to selected staff and undertook the following duties and responsibilities:
1. Directed a multi-institutional group of specialists in an aquaculture value chain analysis study in five governorates that included secondary and informal data collection via individual and group interviews.
2. Oriented and trained the multidisciplinary team members in VC analysis concepts and data collection techniques.
3. In collaboration with WorldFish and CARE Egypt team members scheduled interviews with appropriate stakeholders.
4. Guided an analysis of the regulatory, legal, policy and trade environment that affects decisions of key domestic value chain actors.
5. Produced an estimate of costs and returns in the chain and recommendations of intervention points for key value chain improvement.
6. Highlighted opportunities for employment generation for disadvantaged groups and quantified the number of job opportunities that could be created for different stakeholder groups in different governorates.