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SNH Marine Aquaculture E-learning Call-Off Arrangement Scotland

Scottish National Heritage - Project Dates:
December 2011 - March 2012

Description of Project:
SNH has an existing suite of aquaculture related guidance. This project was designed to compliment this guidance and build on previous classroom training to build capacity amongst existing staff dealing with aquaculture and to provide a platform for new staff dealing with aquaculture who did not attend the internal classroom training.

Services Provided:
  • Trawled the relevant internal and external guidance documents to collate
    information (text, pictures and diagrams) associated with each module

  • Designed and developed question and answer content based on SNH's existing guidance documents with the aim of achieving the objectives of each
    relevant learning outcome

  • Designed and developed worked examples/scenarios, in liaison with the
    project officer, to test user knowledge of the existing guidance,
    encourage the user to use initiative and ensure familiarity with various
    data sources.

  • Presented in bullet-point or other ‘bite sized’ format which
    will be easier for SNH staff to incorporate into the e-learning software package.

  • The final e-learning package modules were limited to approx 30 mins, yet still ensuring learning outcomes are achieved.