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Region:    Middle East

Preparation of ToRs for aquaculture development in Lebanon Lebanon

DG MARE Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (European Commission) - Project Dates:
September 2014 - November 2014

Description of Project:
Lebanon has asked for TA on the preparation of ToRs for a Study on development of aquaculture in Lebanon

Services Provided:

Poseidon prepared a detailed terms of reference for developing an aquaculture strategy for the Lebanon.  The main outputs of this study would be:

1. Aquaculture Sector Review Report: The final version of this review will have been reviewed and agreed by all the key stakeholders at a First National Validation Workshop

·           Policy and legislation review

·           Institutional functional review

·           Aquaculture production practises and trends

·           Research and development

·           Product development and markets

·           Training Needs Analysis

This report would also include potential aquaculture development scenarios that would be discussed with stakeholders at the First National Validation Workshop, which would then inform the strategy development in the second stage of the work.  

2. National Aquaculture Development Strategy: The final version of this strategy will have been reviewed and agreed by all the key stakeholders at a Second National Validation Workshop

·           International context

·           Strategic vision, goals and targets for aquaculture in Lebanon

·           Technical development of aquaculture in Lebanon

·           Aquaculture Sector Support

·           Strategy Implementation Process