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Region: Africa & Western Indian Ocean
Study of aquaculture market potential in Liberia Liberia
Adam Smith International - Project Dates:
April 2015 - April 2015
Description of Project:
GROW was a Sida-funded M4P agricultural market development project managed by Adam Smith International that facilitated sustainable systemic, structural and institutional change with market players (Government, input suppliers, traders, processors, transport firms, banks, etc.) to promote the viability and stability of smallholder farmers throughout Liberia.
The overall objectives of the project were: Increased income for smallholder farmers; Create job opportunities/employment for smallholder farmers; Enhanced stability; and reduced poverty. The GROW Project started with three portfolios: Oil Palm, Vegetables and Rubber but then sought to investigate other sectors, including the Aquaculture sector.
Poseidon completed a Market System Assessment of the Aquaculture sector of Liberia and recommended possible areas for GROW’s intervention.