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Region: Asia
Economics of aquaculture feed management Bangladesh, China, India, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam,
Food and Agricultural Organisation FAO - Project Dates:
June 2007 - July 2007
Description of Project:
FAO FIRI has carried out six case studies in selected countries in Asia (Bangladesh, China, India, The Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam) to have a clear understanding on the economics and cost-benefit analysis of feed and fertilizer use in aquaculture as a part FIRI’s regular work programme. These case studies were presented in FAO/NACA training workshop on “Data processing and analysis on the economic and bio-economic assessments of aquaculture feeding systems”, KU Home, Bangkok, Thailand, 25-27 April 2006. The country studies include: Bangladesh, China, India, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. These report of these country case studies, regional synthesis and the workshop recommendation will be published as FI Workshop Proceedings “Economics of feed management in Asia”.
Services Provided:
Poseidon is operating as the technical peer reviewer/editor for the drafting of the reports.