Certification, Fisheries Improvement Projects
and responsible sourcing
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Region: UK and Ireland
Seafish Quality Processor Audits UK
Private client - Project Dates:
January 2007 - December 2009
Description of Project:
These awards recognise the highest standards in seafood production and wholesaling, and are audited by an independent assessor.
The Seafish Quality Processor Award is designed to:
Raise standards in the seafood processing sector.
Assist merchants and processors to meet consumer requirements.
Increase customer confidence in their seafood suppliers.
Increase sales of fish and shellfish.
There are two levels, higher and entry, to allow as many companies as possible to participate in the scheme.
Services Provided:
A Poseidon auditor checks the following elements:
Premises: Design, condition and cleanliness.Machinery and equipment: condition and cleanliness
Working practices: intake, processing, packaging, storage and dispatch, including product handling and temperature control
Hygiene standards: staff, vehicles, premises, machinery and equipment
Management controls: hazard analysis, temperature monitoring, pest control, cleaning schedules, staff training
To date audits have been carried with Simson's Fisheries in Coulsdon, SE England