Certification, Fisheries Improvement Projects
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Region:    Australasia & the Pacific

Full and preassessment of the South West Pacific purse seine tuna fishery Papua New Guinea, Kiribati, Solomon Is, FSM, Marshall Is, Nauru. Palau, and Tuvalu

Moody Marine Ltd - Project Dates:
June 2010 - May 2011

Description of Project:
Poseidon undertook, on behalf of Moody Marine Ltd, both full and pre assessment of free school and FAD purse seine fisheries for the PNA Office. The Full assessment covered skipjack tuna free school and log sets, with Bigeye and Yellowfin defined as retained species. This fishery takes place in Pacific island EEZs. The activities of Distant Water Fishing Nations and the domestic licensed boats were assessed against stock assessment and harvest control strategies, bycatch and ecosystem issues and governance.

Services Provided:
Poseidon's Australia office coordinates fisheries assessments in the Asia Pacific region on behalf of Certification bodies. Poseidon Australia is completing commitments to Moody Marine for the Spencer Gulf fishery, but is now working with MRAG for future MSC assessments. Regional pre assessments have been undertaken into 30 fisheries in Australia, 5 in Indonesia and Vietnam, and 1 for PNA island states. Fisheries covered include Pacific tuna, shrimp and scampi, snappers and groupers, lobster and trochus, blue and red swimming crab, aquarium fish, scallops, Indian ocean tuna, beche de mer, deep water and demersal species and sharks.