Fisheries governance
Poseidon and NRC provided consultant services to the Ocean Conservancy to produce a Best Practices Guide for Management of Fishing Gear specific to APEC region and to execute a 3-day workshop for APEC members and stakeholders around the GGGI Best Practice Framework (BPF) for the management of Fishing Gears, the draft GGGI Best Practice Framework for the Management of Aquaculture Gear (ABPF); and the FAO Voluntary Guidelines on the Marking of Fishing Gears (VGMFG). Tim Huntington, Director of Poseidon, led the development of the best practices framework document and Joan Drinkwin, Vice President of NRC, led the workshop task. Both consultants supported each other in their respective tasks, with Tim assisting with developing the objectives and agenda for the workshop to ensure its results informed the final guide.