Fisheries economics and trade
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Region: Australasia & the Pacific
Strategic development opportunities in TVM Long Line and other fisheries Cook Is, New Zealand, Niue, Samoa, Tokelau, Tonga
Forum Fisheries Agency - Project Dates:
January 2011 - June 2011
Description of Project:
Poseidon, working in partnership with MRAGAP, undertook a strategic study into business development opportunities for the TVM long line and other fisheries sectors.
The tasks included:
Conducting a stock take of relevant regulatory frameworks for fisheries resources in TVM and previous proposals for multi-zone access arrangements
Determining current fisheries resources and activities in TVM, and a summary of scientific and catch data held by SPC, analyze trends
Generating projections on likely future fisheries resources in TVM EEZs
Assessing future market demands for longline caught tuna and swordfish and other fisheries for pelagic fish species, considering alternative market chains
Assessing existing TVM access to retail/distribution/cannery/loining operations including high value fresh markets
Drawing on approaches taken in other sectors, with a focus on New Zealand.
Examining relevant past business and development activities within TVM, both successful and unsuccessful, including any relevant reasons why.
Reviewing current value chain dynamics, including the increasing costs of doing business, demand and supply etc, in TVM
Examining similar fisheries in other geographical areas (e.g. Mauritius and French Polynesia)
Identifying other fisheries of interest to TVM noting the objective of this study.