Fisheries economics and trade

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Support to the formulation of an EU budget support to the Fisheries sector Cambodia

DAI and DG Development (European Commission) - Project Dates:
March 2018 - March 2018

Description of Project:
The purpose of this assignment was to support the EU Delegation in the preparation of a Sector Reform Contract in Cambodian Fisheries to provide budget support  for the implementation of the fisheries sector policy (with a focus on fisheries management, conservation, control and surveillance and food safety control and inspection).

Services Provided:

Poseidon provided 1 member of a two-person team to prepare a Comprehensive Action Document based on extensive in-country consultations with stakeholders. Outputs included:

  1. The logic of intervention of the budget support component and indicative list of indicators, including induced outputs and outcomes, indicators and targets, building as much as possible on the existing sector policy M&E framework

  2. A 5-year costing of the sector policy, with emphasis on the capture fisheries sub-sector (and the proposed areas for focus under the EU budget support), identifying the gaps for further funding in investments and/or operating cost

  3. A proposal of performance indicators for the disbursement of each successive variable tranche of the EU budget support