Fisheries economics and trade
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Region: Global
Economic valuation of the global market for blue shark products and an interdependent policy analysis for sustainable management and trade Global
Oceana - Project Dates:
January 2022 - September 2022
Description of Project:
This project involved an economic valuation of the global market for blue shark products and an interdependent policy analysis for sustainable management and trade. The purpose of the study was threefold: a) to obtain a first-ever economic valuation of blue shark to recognize its importance within the global shark products trade; b) to identify the gaps in governance and regulatory frameworks managing blue shark catch and trade; and c) to detail the conservation implications on the global shark fin, shark meat, and shark by-products trade arising from the current state of blue shark catch management (or lack thereof).
Services Provided:
Through desk review, key informant interviews, and data analysis, Poseidon provided a report that addressed these three issues, including:
- an estimate of the global commercial value of all blue shark products;
- an analysis of existing policies, implementation of those policies, and gaps in existing policies for achieving sustainable production;
- a landscape analysis that documents key actors and identifies potential leverage points in the realms of economics-influenced politics, fisheries management, and trade;
- and recommendations for pragmatic conservation and trade policies/measures that can ensure blue shark populations are abundant and sustainably managed.