Fisheries economics and trade

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Region:    Africa & Western Indian Ocean

Port Master Plan Study at Port Louis Mauritius

Mauritius Ports Authority - Project Dates:
March 2007 - December 2007

Description of Project:
Port Louis Harbour has experienced a major change in the traffic pattern over the last few years. This is the result of major developments in the different sectors of the country’s economic activities and the changing world trade environment. The forecasts and recommendations contained in the 2002 Master Plan therefore need to be reviewed and re-actualised. The Mauritius Ports Authority commissioned a Port master plan study with a view to identifying all opportunities and threats for Port Louis Harbour in the coming years and to formulate a land use and development plan to cater for the future needs of the country.

Services Provided:
This consultancy examined the different options and recommended a strategy for the expansion of the seafood industry