Fisheries economics and trade
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Region: Asia
Improved infrastructure at coastal landing sites for improved hygiene and food safety conditions, traceability and marketing practices Vietnam
DANIDA - Project Dates:
May 2007 - July 2007
Description of Project:
The second phase of the DANIDA-funded Fisheries Sector Programme Support (FSPS-II) is schedules to run from January 2006 until December 2010. The development objective of the FSPS II is:
The less privileged parts of the rural population engaged in fisheries benefit from sustainable and economic development of the fisheries sector.
FSPS II comprises four Components:
1. Strengthening of the Fisheries Administration
2. Strengthening of Capture Fisheries Management
3. Sustainable Development of Aquaculture
4. Strengthening Capacities of Post-harvest and Marketing
The Strengthening Capacities of Post-harvest and Marketing Component builds upon the support initiated under the first phase FSPS (Jan 2000-Dec 2005), but giving more emphasis to domestic producers and hygiene controls and risks in the small-scale domestic sector.
Services Provided:
The objective of the Consultancy is to identify viable options for upgrading of community based infrastructure and private facilities for hygienic handling, storage, trading and processing of fish and fish products in the FSPS-II coastal target Provinces. The aim is for such pilot facilities to accelerate the consolidation of the sector, through improvements in efficiency and sanitary conditions. The Consultancy will therefore focus on those sites that provide the most economic benefit to the largest number of small-scale stakeholders.