Fisheries economics and trade

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Region:    Asia

Value-chain analysis of Sri Lankan inshore species Sri Lanka

Food and Agricultural Organisation FAO - Project Dates:
November 2008 - December 2008

Description of Project:
This project provided technical support and capacity building to DFAR/NARA staff in value-chain analyses of beche de mer and other inshore species.

Services Provided:
The following tasks were completed: (i) Preparation of training materials on value-chain analysis (ii) Training and capacity development on value-chain analysis for DFAR/NARA staff. (iii) In association with DFAR/NARA staff, preparation of appropriate research tools (e.g. questionnaires) used during the value-chain/market studies for selected species (iv) Specification of a methodology and implementation plan for the required field-based research (v) On completion of the field-based research activities completed by DFAR/NARA staff, capacity development and training for DFAR/NARA staff, and related technical assistance and inputs, on data analysis and report writing for the selected studies.